Seit 2005


Positive Image of Nanotechnologies in the Media - Analysis of Media Reporting

The analysis of nanotechnology coverage in German print media was the subject of a research project conducted by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). The results: In the media coverage nanotechnology is not presented as a risk technology; most articles stress the benefits of this new technology.

Two earlier scientific studies by BfR had already revealed that consumers in Germany mainly see benefits in conjunction with the use of nanotechnologies. For instance, its use in medicine and in consumer articles like cleaning products was stressed. By contrast, 84% of the consumers are sceptical about the use of nanoparticles in foods.

In the publication entitled “Risk perception of the subject nanotechnology. Analysis of media coverage” (Report) BfR published the first comprehensive survey of coverage of the subject nanotechnology in the leading German print media. BfR’s cooperation partner for this study was the Institute for Communication Science of Münster University.

Between 2000 and 2007, 1,696 articles from nine newspapers and journals were analysed (Financial Times Deutschland, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Süddeutsche Zeitung, taz, Welt, Focus, Spiegel and Zeit).

The results showed that on average, 212 articles about nanotechnology were published per year. After a top value in the year 2004 (248 articles), a slight decrease to 170 articles was noticed in 2007. The main topics discussed were "basic research" and "applications in information technology". The central actors were "institutions in science" and "economic actors". Overall, the media reporting about nanotechnology strongly focused on potential benefits, whereas risks have only been a minor issue.

The analysis revealed that nanotechnology is not currently a subject of controversy in the German print media. 70 percent of the articles examined focused on the positive sides to nanotechnological products and processes. The reports mainly concentrated on applications of nanotechnologies in medicine and in information and communication technology, potential increases in sales revenues and new jobs through the development of nanotechnological products and processes. The articles mostly examine the scientific and economic aspects. Hence, most of the stakeholders, who are quoted in them, are representatives of scientific bodies and companies. Up to now, representatives of political circles and non-governmental organisations have only played a minor role in media coverage.

Source: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung