Latest Print-/TV-/Radio Contributions
How insurers can handle nano-risks
December 2016
Emerging Risks
Source: I VW Management-Information 4/16
Document: Article as PDF-File (German)
Emerging Risks in the insurance industry
October 2015
Handling of nanotechnology
Source: Die VersicherungsPraxis 10-2015
Document: Article as PDF-File (in German, 180 KB)
Risk monitoring for nanomaterials
September 2015
Monitoring for nanomaterials
Source: General Reinsurance AG
Document: Article as PDF-File (in English, 161 KB)
Exploring Unknown Terrain
May 2015
Findings on the monitoring of nano-risks
Source: Versicherungswirtschaft, 5/2015, Volume 70, pp. 26 - 28.
Document: Article as PDF-File (in German, 3.5 MB)
Nanomaterials and Insurances 
April 2015
Voices on the Nanotechnology Liability Forum in Cologne.
Source: Haftpflicht international "PHi", Recht und Versicherung, Nr. 2, Issue of the 1st of April 2015, Pages 62 & 63.
Documents: Article as PDF-File (in German, 30 KB)
Nanomaterials and Insurances (Video)
March 17th, 2015
New Monitoring System of Nano-Risks (Video)
March 17th, 2015
"SimplyNano 1®" in Liechtenstein (Video)
(Interview in German)
September 25th, 2014
Das Liechtensteiner Fernsehen - News
Experimentation on the Nano-Scale
September 2014
Successful start of the "SimplyNano 1®" - Teacher Training Courses in Liechtenstein.
Source: Liechtensteiner Volksblatt, Issue of the 25th September 2014
Documents: Article as PDF-File (in German, 279 KB)
Fascination New Technologies
September 2014
Successful start of the "SimplyNano 1®" - Teacher Training Courses in Liechtenstein.
Source: Liechtensteiner Vaterland, Issue of the 25th of September 2014
Documents: Article as PDF-File (in German, 251 KB)
Having the courage to explore new territories
August 2014
The LEADER introduces The Innovation Society.
Source: LEADER - Das Unternehmermagazin, Ausgabe August 2014
Documents: Article as PDF-File (German, 287KB)