Nano & Insurance
How insurers can handle nano-risks
December 2016
Emerging Risks
Source: I VW Management-Information 4/16
Document: Article as PDF-File (German)
Emerging Risks in the insurance industry
October 2015
Handling of nanotechnology
Source: Die VersicherungsPraxis 10-2015
Document: Article as PDF-File (in German, 180 KB)
Risk monitoring for nanomaterials
September 2015
Monitoring for nanomaterials
Source: General Reinsurance AG
Document: Article as PDF-File (in English, 161 KB)
Exploring Unknown Terrain
May 2015
Findings on the monitoring of nano-risks
Source: Versicherungswirtschaft, 5/2015, Volume 70, pp. 26 - 28.
Document: Article as PDF-File (in German, 3.5 MB)
Nanomaterials and Insurances 
April 2015
Voices on the Nanotechnology Liability Forum in Cologne.
Source: Haftpflicht international "PHi", Recht und Versicherung, Nr. 2, Issue of the 1st of April 2015, Pages 62 & 63.
Documents: Article as PDF-File (in German, 30 KB)
Nanomaterials and Insurances (Video)
March 17th, 2015
New Monitoring System of Nano-Risks (Video)
March 17th, 2015
Miniparticles with hidden perils
May 2013
Nanotechnology is used in industry and consumption products. Additionally to the desirable properties of nanotechnology, they also pose significant risks to humans and the environment. Liability insurers are needed.
Source: Schweizer Versicherung, May 2013
Document: PDF-File (German, 3894 KB)
Nanotechnology - the importance of insurance
March 2013
The potential environmental and health risks of nanoparticles are increasingly subject to the insurance industry.
Source: UmweltBriefe (March 28th, 2013)
Document: PDF-File (German, 0.3 MB)
Risk potential for liability insurance
February 2013
Increasing use of nanotechnologies brings opportunities and challenges.
Source: Versicherungswirtschaft Feburary 2013
Document: PDF-File (German, 1381 KB)
Insurability of nanotechnology - Comprehensive risk monitoring is needed instead of a blind flight
October 2010
It is uncontested that the insurance industry hardly ever underestimated a threat so seriously as the risks of asbestos. The use of nano materials should not be taken lightly, as explained below.
Source: NZZ
Document: PDF-File (German, 25 KB)
Is nanotechnology insurable?
September 2010
If and to what extent nanotechnology will affect insurance companies and what damages can be epected is not clarified yet. Certain is that nanotechnologies are implicitly insured at the moment. In case of damage insurance industries can be affected in the product, operational, environmental liability insurance, or possibly in the workers' compensation insurance.
Source: Versicherungswirtschaft September 2010
PDF-File (German, 483 KB, view only)
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Nano Aktuell
May 2010
Nano-insurance policies: Big chance or dance on a volcano? So far, there were no special nano-insurance policies. Now a U.S. company offers a cover specifically for liability risks of nano products and services. How can the insurer deal with the uncertainties in evaluating the risks of nanotechnology?
Source: PHi Nr. 3/2010
Download: PDF-File (German, 428 KB)
Carbon nanotubes: The Nano-asbestos?
December 2009
CNTs have exceptional material features and a long, tubular structure. Given the discussed asbestos-like characteristics, CNTs are of particular interest for the insurance industry.
Source: PHi Nr. 6/2009
Download: PDF-File (German, 48 KB)
Nano Aktuell - PHi liability international
October 2009
The Innovation Society delivers the new column for Nanotechnology "Nano Aktuell" for the magazine PHi the Cologne Reinsurance Company AG.
Source: PHi Nr. 5/2009
Download: PDF-File (German, 770 KB)
Nanotechnology - dealing with unknown risks
February 2008
Source: PHI, Christoph Meili / Gerhard Klein
Download: PDF-File (German, 965 KB)