Seit 2005


SUN Questionnaire on Risk Management of Nanotechnology

SUN is a project (funded by the European Commission) running between 2013 and 2017 with the aim of evaluating risks along the life-cycle of synthetic nanomaterials. The Innovation Society, St.Gallen is a partner of the project, involved in the development of the SUN-Decision-Supports System (SUNDS), a tool that aims to support sustainable production and processing of nanomaterials.

A key objective of EU FP7 Sustainable Nanotechnologies (SUN) project is to build a software-based Decision Support System (DSS) to facilitate safe and sustainable manufacturing and risk management of nanomaterials. SUN Decision Support System (SUNDS) will integrate tools for ecologic, economic and social risk assessment within a sustainability assessment framework. The Innovation Society, St.Gallen will contribute by devising a stand-alone module on the CENARIOS® risk management system, the first certifiable risk management system specifically designed for nanomaterials.

Currently, the Technological Alternatives and Risk Management Measures (TARMM) inventory is being developed. The risk assessment tools will be linked to TARMM to guide users in selecting the best alternatives to support lifecycle based risk management for workers and consumers based on efficiency of mitigation, cost and technological maturity.
In order to collect information to support the development of TARMM inventory, companies involved in nanotechnology-related activities are surveyed. Personnel who are familiar with the risk management practices in their company may be best suited to answer the questions.

You may fill out the questionnaire at


Source: SUN

Image Source: SUN