Seit 2005


“Towards a more effective and efficient governance and regulation of nanomaterials” – ProSafe & NANoREG white paper

The EU FP7 project NANoREG and H2020 project ProSafe have recently published a white paper titled “Towards a more effective and efficient governance and regulation of nanomaterials” summarising in a nutshell the aims, efforts and results of the projects.

Both projects were driven by the need to reduce uncertainty in the regulatory assessment of the Environmental Health and Safety aspects of nanomaterials, in order to support a climate where the innovative potential of nanotechnology can be fully exploited. The document provides recommendations for policymakers and regulators aimed at a more effective and cost-efficient assessment of nanomaterials in a regulatory context.

Amongst others, the recommendations include proposals for what is called “no regret measures” such as further harmonisation of test methods by the OECD and proposals for a more efficient use of the results of nanosafety projects by improving the infrastructure for data management. Other recommendations are aimed at making REACH more applicable for nanomaterials. For the long term, some possibilities for innovation in risk assessment are presented. They are aimed at speeding up the process of risk assessment, reducing costs and reducing animal testing. Finally, the White Paper introduces a recommendation to start thinking and working on more future proof approaches to secure the safety of materials. Approaches that would also fit next generation (nano)materials.

Read the full version of the White Paper online via the NanoSafetyCluster Website
