Seit 2005


UNITAR offers new E-Learning Course “Introduction to Nanomaterial Safety”

The e-Learning course provides interested stakeholders with an introduction to the "sound management of manufactured nanomaterials". The focus is on the special properties of nanomaterials and following implications for human health or the environment. The course has been developed by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) based on work under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and international organizations, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Participants will learn about global, national and sector-specific issues and begin to develop basic skills for recognizing safety concerns and learning about risk management approaches to manufactured nanomaterials. No prerequisite or prior knowledge is needed to take the course.
The target group of the event includes civil servants, industry and SME representatives, researchers, students and interested citizens.

For more information about the event and registration consult the course-flyer or the webpage.


Image Source: © 2014 - The Innovation Society, St. Gallen