Seit 2005


US Insurance Company Introduces Nanotechnology Liability Coverage

Lexington Insurance Company in the US offers an insurance product that extends explicit coverage for nanotechnology exposures arising from products liabilities.

The insurance product LexNanoShield provides integrated liability coverage and an array of risk management services to help those insureds manufacturing, distributing, or using nanoparticles or nanomaterials assess and manage their product liability exposures, according to Lexington.

LexNanoShield includes an integrated liability insurance product that extends explicit coverage for nanotechnology exposures arising out of:

  • General liability
  • Products liability
  • Products pollution legal liability
  • Product recall liability

In addition, LexNanoshield reimburses first party product recall expenses incurred if a product containing nanoparticles or nanomaterials is recalled from the market for safety reasons. LexNanoShield also provides insureds with legal, technical and loss control consulting services to help develop, implement and assess nanotechnology-specific risk management programs. Supporting risk management services include up to two hours of confidential consultation with a national law firm with expertise in nanotechnology, as well as two hours of technical consulting services and on-site loss control consultations.

With this product, the insurance company addresses medium to small manufacturers or distributors of nanoparticles and/or nanomaterials domiciled in the United States.

Source: Lexington Insurance