Seit 2005


NanoCode: MasterPlan und CodeMeter zum Code of Conduct N&N (EU-CoC) publiziert

Im Rahmen des EU-Projekts „NanoCode" wurden Strategien und Optionen erarbeitet, wie der „Verhaltenskodex für eine verantwortungsvolle Nanoforschung und -wissenschaft“ (EU-CoC) weiterentwickelt und implementiert werden kann. Der dazu erarbeitete Masterplan wurde zusammen mit dem CodeMeter (Self-Assessement-Tool) jetzt veröffentlicht

The NanoCode Project

NanoCode is a European project funded under the Programme Capacities, in the area Science in Society, within the 7th Framework Program (FP7). The aim of NanoCode is to develop a strategic framework (called MasterPlan) guiding the further development and implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (N&N) Research (EU-CoC). The development of a practical Excel-tool (CodeMeter) to help stakeholders assess their performance in complying with the CoC’s principles form a key element of the framework. Further information on the project is provided on the NanoCode-Website (not available anymore).

The MasterPlan

This MasterPlan builds on the insights gained from encompassing stakeholder consultations in eight Euro-pean countries as well as at international level, in particular in the associated project countries Argentina, South Korea and South Africa. The consultations, made by an electronic survey, structured interviews and focus groups, involved more than 400 stakeholders worldwide, to assess attitudes, expectations, needs and objections regarding the EU-CoC. The findings are summarised in separate reports1. The results of the sur-vey, the first draft of this MasterPlan and the CodeMeter prototype were deliberated during the National Workshops with national stakeholders in all partner countries.

In this report, selected ideas, options and recommendations concerning revision and implementation of the EU-CoC will be presented and discussed with a focus on stakeholder preference, practicability, need for structural and substantial changes of the EU-CoC, and compatibility with the governance context of the ex-isting EU-CoC.

Further Information on MasterPlan and CodeMeter:

MasterPlan Download (In Englisch; Pdf, 1,6 MB) : "Issues and Options on the Path Forward With the European Commission Code of Conduct on Responsible N&N Research"

CodeMeter Download (In Englisch; .xls, 435 KB):