Regulation of Nanomaterials at the 10th International Nano-Authorities-Dialogue in Bern (CH)
The 10th International Nano-Authorities-Dialogue took place on May 18 and 19, 2016, at the invitation of the Federal Office for the Environment of Switzerland. More than 50 representatives of ministries, agencies, research institutes and companies from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg addressed the topic "governance and regulation of nanomaterials". Diverse introductory presentations inspired discussions about the requirements and the need for future regulation of nanomaterials from different perspectives. The expectations of the industry towards regulatory authorities were identified and measures for a common proceeding for a sustainable development of nanotechnologies were discussed. The Nano-Authorities-Dialogue takes place on a rotational basis in the German speaking countries and is organised by The Innovation Society, St.Gallen.
On May 18 and 19, 2016, more than 50 representatives of ministries, agencies, research institutes and companies met in Bern at the invitation of Federal Office for the Environment of Switzerland on the 10th International Nano-Authorities-Dialogue. Thomas Göttin, the president of Bern’s city council, welcomed the participants from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg.
This year's Authorities-Dialogue took place under the heading "scientific insights as a basis for regulation". The event was divided into four parts: in the first three parts latest scientific insights, research projects and perspectives from different stakeholders were presented in the form of lively talks. In a last session, the participants discussed about possible regulatory actions bearing in mind the latest research findings, which were discussed previously.
Talks on results of scientific research projects of the NRP 64
As an introduction to the first session about different scientific research projects of the NRP 64 “Opportunities and Risks of Nanomaterials”, Professor Peter Gehr, president of the NRP 64, presented the current state of the project and provided an overview on different aspects of the NRP 64. Dr. Hans-Peter Kohler (EAWAG), Prof. Dr. Meike Mevisse (University of Bern) and Dr. Hans Winkler (University of Zurich) gave an insight into results of three different subprojects of the NRP 64.
Projects relevant for regulations
In a second session, different international projects, relevant for the regulation of nanomaterials, were presented. Professor Thomas Kuhlbusch of the “Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e. V.” started by presenting selected results of the nanoEHS-Projects concerning regulatory issues. Bob Diderich, Head of the OECD Environmental Health and Safety Division, provided an overview of events of different OECD activities and their effects on projects and regulations. Finally, Dr. Klaus Steinhäuser presented the ProSafe Project.
Industry and NGO perspectives
Dr. Karin Wiench, representing BASF, presented research projects relevant to regulations. Mark McKay from HeiQ AG illustrated the regulatory obstacles, which have to be overcome by a start-up for producing and selling a product containing nanoparticles. In a final talk, Laura Gross, representing NGOs, pointed out the expectations of NGOs for the industry and the governors.
The revision of the "roadmap 2020 out on the regulation of nanomaterials ", whose preparation was started at the last Dialogue 2015 in Vaduz, constituted the finish of the Nano-Authorities-Dialogue 2016. The roadmap includes suggestions for joint measures to ensure the safe and sustainable use of nanomaterials. The results of the dialogue are the basis for further discussions about regulatory need on a national as well as the European level.
Date announcement
The 11th International Nano-Authorities-Dialogue will take place in Spring 2017 in Vienna at the invitation of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management.
About the International Nano-Authorities-Dialogue
The International Nano-Authorities-Dialogue is an annual dialogue-platform of German speaking EHS agencies and Luxembourg (D, A, CH, FL, L). Its goal is the informal, international exchange on current topics in nano-governance. The platform was founded in 2008 and is organised and moderated by The Innovation Society, St.Gallen on behalf of the agencies.
Questions & Contact:
Christoph Meili, Die Innovationsgesellschaft, St. Gallen
T +41 71 278 02 06
Source: Die Innovationsgesellschaft, St. Gallen
Image source: © 2015 - Die Innovationsgesellschaft, St. Gallen