Seit 2005


Regulation of nanotechnology in the agrifood sector - comparison between several countries

Regulatory frameworks dealing with the nanotechnological aspects of the agriculture, feed and food sectors are becoming more relevant, since the number of available nano-enabled products is steadily growing. Amongst various countries, different regulatory approaches have been applied. The EU and Switzerland have incorporated nano-specific provisions into their existing legislation. Other regions regulate these issues on a non-legally binding guidance.

The authors of this paper present an overview of the different state of the art regulatory measures for nanomaterials in the agricultural, feed and food (agri/feed/food) sectors. Currently, only the EU and Switzerland have incorporated nano-specific provisions in existing legislation. Other countries pursue less explicit approaches, such as non-binding industry guidance.

Numerous nano-enabled products, e.g. nano-encapsulated agrochemicals and nutrient, antimicrobial nanoparticles, active / intelligent food packaging, etc., are already marketed. Further nano-enabled products are under development and entering the global market in the near future. Generally, comparable to other new products that are regulated, the demonstration of the use of such products without undue safety risks to the environment and the user is needed for the market approval.

The article discusses the legislations and guidances of various countries for risk assessment in the agri/feed/food sector. Different countries have various frameworks for dealing with nanotechnologies and they have applied their own approaches to ensure product safety. Due to the growing number of new products incorporating nanotechnology entering the market, the regulatory frameworks concerning nanotechnology are becoming more important. The authors recommend countries to collaborate in order to exchange relevant information needed for protection of the environment and human health.

© 2015 – The Innovation Society

Cited publication: Regulatory aspects of nanotechnology in the agri/feed/food sector in EU and non-EU countries. Valeria Amenta, Karin Aschberger, Maria Arena, Hans Bouwmeester, Filipa Botelho Moniz, Puck Brandhoff, Stefania Gottardo, Hans J.P. Marvin, Agnieszka Mech, Laia Quiros Pesudo, Hubert Rauscher, Reinhilde Schoonjans, Maria Vittoria Vettori, Stefan Weigel, Ruud J. Peters. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, Elsevier.

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