Seit 2005


The Regulatory Framework for Nanomaterials at a Global Level: SAICM and WTO Insights

Die Regulierung von Nanomaterialien wird auf verschiedenen Ebenen diskutiert. Der Artikel von Georg Karlaganis und Rachel Liechti liefert eine historische Beschreibung staatlicher Aktivitäten über die Sicherheit von Nanomaterialien auf globaler Ebene in der UNO seit 2006. Die Autoren kommen zum Schluss, dass die SAICM-Beschlüsse bezüglich hergestellter Nanomaterialien mit dem WTO-Recht zu vereinbaren sind.

Georg Karlaganis and Rachel Liechti

The regulation of nanomaterials is being discussed at various levels. The present article offers a historical description of governmental activities concerning the safety of nanomaterials at the United Nations (UN) level since 2006. The focus is on the UN Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). The outcomes of the SAICM process were a nano-specific resolution and the addition of new activities on nanotechnologies and manufactured nanomaterials to the SAICM’s Global Plan of Action.

The article discusses the implications of these decisions for multilateral environmental agreements. In addition, it studies the consequences of these nano-regulation activities on trade governance, in particular the relationship of the SAICM to the legally binding World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements (notably the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade).

The article concludes that the SAICM decisions on manufactured nanomaterials are compatible with WTO law.

Published on 30 July 2013

Published in Review of European Community & International Environmental Law RECIEL 22 (2) 2013. ISSN 0962-8797

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